jesshall147Feminine Gospels by Carol Ann Duffy revision(1)All poems with analysis apart from Beautiful and The Laughter Of Stafford Girls High as I did not enjoy these poems when studying the collection.
jesshall147A Streetcar Named Desire revision(0)Character analysis of main characters, with a bank of important quotes that are vital to each. Further broken down in another document where I have constructed a list of go to quotes for the exam, with analysis.
jesshall147Pre 1900 poetry compared to The Great Gatsby(1)Analysis of each poem thematically with links to Gatsby. Close links at the end of the document to each poem.
jesshall147English Lit A - Paper 2B: Modern Times Literature from 1945 - mock paper and example questions(0)Full mock paper, in the style of the exam board, for all the texts listed on the specification.